Saturday, July 11, 2009

Super Social Saturday

What an exhausting wonderful day. 

We got to meet Spencer! He is everything we have been wanting. He's a very lovable dog. We told the lady that we knew we definitely wanted to adopt him and she suggested that we do a Foster-to-adopt instead. To me this sounds as bad as a rent-to-own situation. I don't want to test drive. A dog is a living being and will make mistakes so whatever issues he may have we will work with him on it. I can't imagine adopting a child on the same premise.. When I told her we'd rather just adopt him she said well what if you decide it won't work out? Then I got to thinking maybe she means if WE don't work out? I'm not sure what we're doing wrong here..or what she thinks we may do wrong. She said I could call her tomorrow to talk more about the paper work and doing the adoption so today I went to Walmart and stocked up on doggy basics. 

We had a great time at the park by our house. Played soccer with our friends for all of 3 min then Kickball, then we did a relay race. On my leg Matt completely beat me. I don't know why I thought I had a chance. We then swam & played pool volleyball for 4 hours, which is how I ended up Red lobstered.

We then rushed out to Richardson for our friends' wedding reception. The food was all Indian and delish. I even stayed on the vegan track, pretty easy with Indian food. No cake for me though. I should bake and bring my own in my purse next time bc my mouth was on FIRE! 

I was really happy to see my pregger friends, especially my friend from 2nd grade.. It's still so odd to me that she is going to be a mom. We're the same age. I guess I am about to be a doggy mom. If all goes well. Crossing fingers, silent prayers. I really think we'll be able to give him the best life because we are so active and will run & play with him all the time. I hope we get him tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe they are making you guys jump through hoops for this pup. I understand they want him to have a good home, but still. This is slight ridiculousness. I adopted Mona, from a pound, cost me $70, little to no paperwork, no wait. She is a terd but I love her. It seems like they are making a business of this adoption thing. But I hope you get him today...I cannot wait for the photos!
