I kept this growing knowledge, internal changes silently inside me the first 2 weeks. I was so scared to face other's questions. I knew what I was doing would be strongly opposed by some and I wasn't ready to let that doubt in. So now feeling more confident I can share this a little better. Come out of my lonely little vegan closet.
Most people know what being a vegan is, but they don't know what it is to be a Vegan. To me it is realizing that we have been desensitized to not feel for these animals we eat. What is the difference between eating a cow or a dog? And, beyond that realizing the horrible life of suffering these animals have to live in huge factories. The realization that an animal is not an object for us to abuse, but a living, breathing, feeling, thinking being.
We have been blind.
If you open up the door to see inside these slaughter houses you will then KNOW. And what do you do with this knowledge? Do you push it under like most people? Or do you fight against something you know in your heart to be wrong.
I hold the horrors close to my heart now. I don't want to let it go. I want to know now.
To be open to the truth is where a vegan life begins... I'm not sure where it ends.
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