However, next family gathering my grandma did not understand why I wouldn't eat baked chicken since it was "healthy". "You're not eating chicken?!" Apparently that is the staple of most diets. She had even gone and bought a healthier butter wish is very sweet. Smart Balance is almost Earth Balance except it has animal products in it.
I really am committed to becoming a full fledge Vegan. Everyone keeps asking me if I am going to be a vegan forever.. what a question. Can you imagine if you were dating someone and everyone kept asking if it was going to be forever.. Actually I went through that too. My point is YES, I hope so and I plan to!
Now, although my original intent was to become a vegan for health reasons I have also done ALOT of research into the treatment of these animals and now it is also for ethical reasons. Not to mention the complete repulsion and disgust I feel when I think about where this meat has come from. And this knowledge/feeling is not something I want to be desensitized from again.
So my weekly update-- I've been doing so good but last Saturday I was at a Movie tavern with no options besides fried french fries (which would not have been vegan either due to meat being fried in the same vat).. or Fish Tacos. So I ordered fish tacos and they were good but may have been just as good without the fish.. I will try that next time and see. I have a harder time empathizing with fish and really need to make this a focus and do more research on what happens to fish. I may end up abstaining from fish for Environmental reasons.
I hate having to tell other vegans that I am a new vegan (except that I occasionally mess up and eat fish)... because really that just makes me a non lacto ovo pescavore and who has time to say all that..
My vegetarian friends are actually pescatarian, (their label for fish eaters). And I have another friend, that has her own special diet of 90% raw, no red meat, and the rest she makes up. I think its like you said, you have to enter these life style changes gradually. Maybe your life style change doesn't have a name. Call it Alician if you want. Even though I am not vegan, I totally understand where you are coming from. People ask lots of questions about why I use certain cosmetics since I am now committed to NO animal testing and vegan soaps/shampoos (kind of hypocritical since I am a carnivore). Well people also ask, why I'm not on birth control and why am I buying butt wipes. People are just curious. I don't think they mean to be rude. I ask questions too, and sometimes I judge people. I don't mean to, but I am just not used to the idea yet. Its kinda like hearing a new song on the radio, you don't like it at first, but you hear it a couple more times and its your new favorite.