Saturday, September 26, 2009

Email Meltdown!

One word-- HACKED :-(

I am so upset right now. Literally tears flowing and on the night Matt and I are supposed to be celebrating our 2 yr wedding anniversary. And I know this is a silly reaction, but what happened today has unleashed a dam of emotion from many, many, many burned bridges. 

Most people know that Gmail saves EVERY contact you have ever emailed. Think about that for a moment, every job you apply for, every bad date you may have gone on, every stranger you had to email for some reason or another.. and all the ex-bosses, ex-boyfriends, ex-friends even. On top of that I had imported my contacts from every previous email account I had used. I thought no problem, I don't need to delete people I won't email.. that would take WAY to much time to go through all the hundreds of emails to sort it out.

Well today that laziness bit me in the @ss. My older gmail account was hacked into and sent spam out to EVERY ONE of my contacts. At first I thought oh well, but then it started to sink in. I just spammed all of those people that I never wanted any contact with again as well as all my friends and family that I love. I'm so embarassed, I'm mortified. On top of that, my old email account is set to send out as if it is my new email account. I consider my new email address kind of private and didn't really want people from the past knowing it. It's not like its a difficult email to figure out, but now those people know exactly what it is.

So taking a proactive approach, I decided to finally clean out my contacts and it only took 4 min. Seriously, so mad at myself! And as I went down the list I just kept thinking NO, not that person too! 

I know I'm overreacting, but just having to think about some of these people and the bad times associated with them is upsetting enough. I'm a forward focuser and always have been. I tend to be a burn the bridges type of girl. And today I had to look back and I saw the mess I left.

1 comment:

  1. SUCKS! This happened to me once, and it was really embarrassing, there were people who I had only sent resumes to that got the spam. I was curious what that email from you was. I wonder if its going to hack mine now? I should do a cleanup too. Don't worry too much though, these things happen. Happy 2 year anniversary!!!!
