Sunday, September 13, 2009

3 months in & Goals Achieved

It's been a little over 3 months since I made the vegan switch! Here are the results so far;

Dropped 10lbs the first 6 weeks and have stayed at that same weight since despite barely exercising this last month. Overall I have noticed feeling more energized, awake, less mood swings, more "regular" & less allergies. I am still trying new foods and loving things I never would have expected loving. 

I just found a note that I wrote a year ago that says "Foods to learn to like".. I had always struggled with learning to like vegetables and becoming a vegan has forced me to try things and be totally surprised by the taste. I am so excited now looking at this list because I can check off 1/2 of them!!

Foods to Learn to Like: 
Cucumbers  √
Celery √
Radishes √
Bell Peppers √
Spinach √
Cabbage √
Eggplant √
Zucchini √
Sweet Potatoes √
Tofu √
Cauliflower √

I can't believe Onions weren't on the list! I hated them a year ago and now I add them to everything!! 

What I need to try still:
Collard Greens
Honey Dew
Bulgur Wheat
Ostrich - X Seriously! I had that on my list a year ago ?


  1. You like onion but not leeks? Leeks are tasty. Or maybe that's one to try. I know you said no cous-cous because you don't like a lot of balls in your mouth. Edamame is DELICIOUS!!! Justin and I crave it. What's Quinoa and bulgar wheat?

  2. I have NO IDEA what a leek is. But I will buy one next time I go to the grocery store. Do they come in a bundle? I still need to learn to like cous-cous, probably add some veggies to break up the ball texture. Quinoa are also a ball-like grain, that everyone raves about. I bought bulgar wheat bc a chili recipe called for it, but I haven't used it yet.

    When you tell people your vegetarian, they automatically start talking about Hummus, edamame, quinoa, tofu & LENTILS. Probably 5 people a week tell me about Lentils. I guess I really do need to cook some up.
