2009 was a year of insane CHANGE!1)HOUSELESS to HOMEY
A year ago today we were living in a 3rd floor apartment saving everything we could to buy a house. As soon as we received our paychecks we took about half and put it immediately into savings. Anytime we got extra money or Matt did side jobs that went straight to Smarty Pig. I did alot of photography and design on the side and Matt did alot of shooting for Cheaters- ya that show that comes on TV in the middle of the night. I actually don't like the show, but I love that it made our home possible.

2) We became DOGGY PARENTS
As soon as we bought the house and got settled in I started the search for our new family member. Matt and I couldn't agree on what type of dog we wanted. I wanted a Cocker Spaniel, he wanted a Corgi.. I wanted a mini-poodle mix, he wanted a running dog.. I sent Matt pictures he sent me pictures. And then I found Spencer on petfinder.com. It said he was a Brittany Spaniel mix.. so I sent Matt a picture of a Cocker Spaniel, Spencer, and some small dog and as expected Matt replied how he didn't like Cocker Spaniels or the small dog but that Spencer was PERFECT! We both knew instantly. The lady we adopted him from was a little spacey but we finally got him and love him so much. I never knew he would bring us so much JOY!
Last night we had a little scare. We had some friends over for a New Year's Eve dinner and somehow our front door didn't get closed all the way. As soon as I noticed the door I realized Spencer had gotten out. Our friend immediately set off his car alarm and we called out for Spencer. Spencer immediately came sprinting back (across 2 busy streets). It was scary, but I'm so happy he came back to us and didn't wander too far.

3) Matt finished SCHOOL!
OMG, what a sigh of relief. Matt doing his degree was almost as stressful for me as doing my own. His most recent project that is now at the DMA took over a year of work.. which means a year of me waiting for that project to be over. Although, now that his school is over he immediately jumped into an independent project developing a game with some friends. I think I may have to realize that he will always have a project going. It makes me wonder about the wives of inventors or other artists. How did they deal with a man that is so passionate about his work?
Recently I was watching an interview with Michelle Obama and they asked her what she felt when Barack told her he was going to run for President.. She was opposed, she wanted him home with his family but she knew that he would be the president she wanted also. So she supported his decision.
It really makes me wonder how many women have struggled with accidentally preventing their men from doing great things.. or vice versa how many men have prevented their wives from doing great things.

A year ago my favorite food was cheese enchiladas with queso on top. I seriously put cheese on almost everything. I was addicted. I bought blocks of cheese and ate them at all times of the day. Matt used to always tell me that if I just quit eating cheese I would lose so much weight. Well all those times he said that it finally stuck and I bet he never thought I'd actually act on it.
My cheese addiction was really a catalyst for me becoming vegan. I really wanted to purge myself of dairy and animal products and just see what would happen. A quick 10lb drop happened and I had alot of energy! I loved it! I felt light and clean inside too, not sluggish or tired.
One really strange thing I had not counted on was the flavor sensitivity I gained. After 3 weeks or so I started to notice a more vibrant flavor of vegetables and fruits. It was like I hadn't truly been tasting these foods. I also noticed how salty fast food was. Along with the flavor sensitivity I also started to notice a sensitivity to medicines. I'm not sure why, but now when I take some medicines I feel like I was given an elephant's dosage. I often feel buzzy, high, or super depressed. I can actually feel the medicine begin when it hits my blood stream.
Overall, I am acutely AWARE. Physically, Mentally, Emotionally. Awareness is anguish at times, but I wouldn't go back and unlearn anything. I'm happy to be healthier and not contribute to all the suffering connected with the meat industry.
2009 has been a good year, filled with many blessings. Matt and I have really settled into our marriage and our lives together. We know how to share a bed without elbowing the other person in the face. I learned how to cook yummy food using organic fruits and veggies, fresh herbs, and healthy oils. We come home to a wagging tail and dog hugs. What more could you want in life?!